Welcome To Sight Research UK
We are a UK charity that funds pioneering research into the causes of eye disease, to develop preventative methods and more effective treatments for children and adults. For the last 39 years, we have been working to bring forward the day when sight loss is a thing of the past. Learn more below.
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Find more information
- A-Z of Eye Conditions 👁️ Many different eye conditions can affect your sight. Learn more about them, how to improve your eye health and protect your sight.
- Nutrition for Eye Health 🥕 Discover the power of diet in preventing sight loss with essential nutrients & ingredients in our A-Z of Foods for eye health.
- Our Eye Research 🔬 Learn more about our ongoing work, since 1986, funding over 130 projects and nurturing young talent through 40 PhD studentships.
How we fund sight-saving research
- Our research strategy We fund research that is poised to provide new and more effective solutions for patients - be it in diagnosis, prevention or treatment.
- Our approach to research We fund world class research assessed by global experts in a fair and transparent way.
- Our funding opportunities We award annual grants through our Translational Research Award and Seed Award, and occasional grants through our Strategic Award.